
"When a well-packaged web of lies has been gradually sold to the masses over generatons,
the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic" - (Author Unknown)
These  Speakers  Are  NOT  Raving  Lunatics
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John Pilger Michael Moore Edward Said Ran HaCohen Emmanuel Goldstein
Robert Fisk Jeff Rense Joe Vialls Nafeez Ahmed Jeff Elkins
Noam Chomsky Justin Raimondo David Duke Ron Liebermann Neboysa Malic
Greg Palast Jeff Cohen David Icke William Anderson Alexander Cockburn
Michael Ruppert Eric Margolis Israel Shamir Peter Preston Alex Jones
Gore Vidal Joseph Stromberg Lawrence Hagerty William Pfaff William Morris1834/96
Sherman Skolnick Alan Bock Phillip Browning Robert Scheers Various Thinkers
Skolnick's Archives Richard Ingram Thomas Friedman Chris Montgomery Historys Anarchists
Scott McConnell David Corn Dru Oja Jay USA Newspapers USA Government Links
Jesse Jackson Rob Moody Peter Dale Scott News Sources Information  Links
Lew Rockwell Norman Solomon Anthony Sutton Viewpoints Lots  Of  Links
Nelson Mandela George Szamuely Thomas DiLorenzo World Newswires
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