
Learn About The Tragedy Of Palestine
Israeli State Terrorism
Another Act Of Cold-Blooded Murder
Mohammed Jamal Al-Durreh
30 September 2000
Another Report On This
Jewish Atrocity
It was all captured by a French TV 2 film crew. At least this is one atrocity that the Israeli government cannot cover up.

Israeli soldiers initiated an assault on Palestinian people near Netzarim in the Gaza on September 30. Backed by helicopter gunships and tanks, Israelis were firing machine-guns at unarmed Palestinian civilians, as usual. A small number of Palestinian National Security Forces tried to defend their people, but they were totally outgunned and they stopped firing back after the first five minutes. Even so, the Israelis continued to fire at anything that moved in the entire area for at least another 45 minutes.

A Palestinian boy and his father happened to be in the area when the shooting started. They couldn't escape from the gunfire and sought shelter from Israeli bullets next to the concrete structure by the wall. The father called out desperately to the Israeli soldiers, frantically waving his arms and pleading with the Israelis to spare his boy.

The Israeli response was to shoot the boy in the leg. Everyone in the area could easily hear the boy's cries of pain and terror and his father's frantic pleas, but the Israelis continued firing at them anyway.The horrible ordeal dragged on for 45 minutes.

Photo shows a young Palestinian boy crying in terror as he huddles against his father, as both press against a wall next to a cement structure protruding from the wall. The father is waving to somebody and looking around the edge of the cement structure as he calls out.~~The boy appears to be grimacing in pain and the father is now facing the viewer and shouting something and putting his arm over his son protectively.
The father is looking around the edge of the cement structure again as the boy looks at the viewer, crying in anguish.~~The boy lies dead at his father's feet as his father, also shot, leans back against the wall in unconsciousness.

Finally the Israeli soldiers succeeded in murdering the boy

Israeli snipers shot the boy through the heart. His body was hit with four Israeli bullets altogether. He died in his father's arms. Israeli soldiers even murdered an ambulance driver who tried to rescue them. The father also was hit with several bullets but reportedly didn't die immediately and was finally taken to a Palestinian hospital.

The 12-year-old boy's name was Mohammed Jamal Al-Durreh. May God bless him and rest his soul in peace forever.

This was no "accident" as the ever-lying, corporate mass-media predictably claim. The boy was not killed in a "crossfire." For 45 minutes it was exclusively Israelis who were doing all the shooting. The racist Israeli soldiers knew exactly what they were doing. They were murdering Palestinians in cold blood. That's what they are paid and trained to do. Racist Israeli soldiers and so-called "settlers" have been murdering Palestinians in cold blood since 1948.

Israeli soldiers and "settlers" are Zionist Nazis

Photo shows a helmeted Israeli soldier with a pudgy, boyish, pink face who smiles and holds his hand up to block the camera. Behind him another helmeted Israeli soldier carrying a rifle has his arm in a choke-hold around the neck of a Palestinian boy of about 12 years of age, forcing him to walk somewhere to the right of the viewer.
A double photo - on the left side is the Palestinian boy who was murdered by Israeli soldiers as described above, huddling next to his father by the wall.  Above this image is written 'Palestine, 2000'.  On the right side is the famous photo of the little Jewish boy in the Warsaw ghetto, with his arms held above his head as a crowd of German soldiers looks on. Above this image is written 'Warsaw, 1943'.  Separating the two sides of this double photo is a strand of red barbed wire.
Palestine, 2000  -  Warsaw, 1943

Oops! I mean, point that camera somewhere else! We don't want the world to see
how much we Israeli "Defense" Force heroes enjoy beating up and murdering little boys!

"Custom will reconcile people to any atrocity." — George Bernard Shaw